Imposter syndrome is often experienced as feelings of self-doubt, a fear of failure or success and the potential exposure of being seen to be a fraud and not good enough.

It brings with it a personal cost – that missed promotion, the contribution you hesitated to make, a business opportunity not taken, or your potential left undiscovered and unfulfilled.

You don’t have to live a life limited by imposter syndrome.

This 7-day challenge using my practical and proven H.E.A.R.T.® framework, will help you take control of that inner mean girl. Step by step, you’ll learn how to transform her into your inner cheerleader – just like I did.

I'm in sign me up for the challenge

If you're ready to get started here is what you'll get from the 7 day challenge:

  • How to identify your imposter monster
  • Get clarity on who you are and who you want to be
  • Build confidence to overcome your limiting beliefs and create the life and leadership you want
  • Have more certainty about your future path - no more confusion about what is important to you
  • Have a clear and unique to you method to beat the imposter monster every time it rears its ugly head.
Sign me up - I'm ready to beat my imposter monster