Heart Matters

Being able to give back to those less fortunate is what drives me to keep going when I hit roadblocks. Having a business for good keeps me focussed on the bigger picture and the change that I seek to make in the world.

Each of us has the opportunity to make a positive difference - we just have to choose to care and believe that our contribution, however small, matters.

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Giving back and helping each other leap.

Being at the Heart of Human means showing compassion and care for others in need.  Having heart and paying it forward for others that have less than we have.  

When times are tough and we are in survival mode - it's hard to think and seek clearly.  We usually need to feel safe ourselves before we are able to help others in need.

Below is a free budget and spend tracker to help you stay on top of your finances (one of the biggest causes of stress for people) I hope by being able to help you get a clearer picture on your own finances that perhaps you will find a way to pay it forward for others.

Glin x

Free Budget & Spend Tracker


Heart of Human is in the business of changing lives both with the community here in Australia but also abroad, in places and with people whom we will never meet.

Being up to something beyond making money makes the joy of the work we do together even more magical.  

Of the 17 Global Goals - Heart of Human is supporting Global Goal No. 5 Gender Equality.


Women represent 39% of the workforce but only 27% of managerial positions.  

By giving 5% percent of all revenue Heart of Human makes, we together are empowering all women and girls across the world to take heart into business and have a seat at any table they want to be at.


"Creating Extraordinary Positive Change In The World, ​By Helping People Make Ordinary Positive Change"
- JBNProject Founder, Josh Reid Jones

The JBN Project exists to secure housing, employment and good mental health for those experiencing disadvantage.

Josh is a friend who is making a huge contribution to the world and by giving 5% of all revenue Heart of Human makes - you've helped him make a difference for those that need help the most.
