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41. Knowledge is your Superpower - with Rachel Kealy

Season #3

Rachel Kealy the founder of the Women's Self Defence Network is the Unstoppable Woman on this weeks podcast.

Growing up, Rachel lacked confidence and tried her hardest to feel invisible when it came to protecting herself from violence. After experiencing a few violent encounters herself, Rachel soon discovered that her preconceived ideas on how to keep herself safe were incorrect and the things that she was doing were putting her in a more vulnerable and potentially dangerous situation.

She discovered that whilst the physical side of Self Defence was valuable, the mental aspect was far more important and easily attainable by everyone. She believes that while it is great to train for a violent encounter, it is so much more important to learn how to avoid the violence altogether.

In this episode we talk about:

- how she started a business in Women's Self Defence from running her Web Design business 

- how she overcame her lack of confidence to speak on stages and recorded video content that's gone viral

- why self protection is more about the mental aspect than the physical aspect

- where to start when it comes to self protection 


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