Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hello, and welcome to the unstoppable woman podcast where I reveal the power of your heart to create leadership impact and cultivate confidence for the life you want. I'm your host Glin Bayley and as a corporate finance leader, executive coach, entrepreneur, and author. I know all too well the challenges that prevent female leaders from claiming their seat at the table. In this podcast, I talk all things to do with self leadership, sharing stories, insights, and guidance on how to ultimately get out of your own way to live a life in alignment with who you are. When you begin to see the impact that you can have, no matter where you are starting on your journey, life becomes one huge adventure. I'm so excited that you're sharing your journey to unstoppable with me. So let's dive right in.
Unknown Speaker 0:55
Hello, and welcome. In this episode, I'm going to talk about how a six week break for my podcast last year became a year off. Now, the format of this podcast is going to change or has changed from the time that I've had, in that I've decided that I only want to do 15 minute episodes. So this is going to be short, punchy to the point. And the intention for that is recognizing that I can spend an hour recording and sharing what I've learned over this last year. But the value really is in understanding what were the key points, what happened, why did it happen? And can I get that across in a powerful, but yet succinct way where I'm not just going on a ramble telling you about this last year, when it may or may not be of interest. So the context was last year that when I took some time out, I was working full time for a global negotiation, consulting, firm, delivering training, to large corporates on how to negotiate more effectively, absolutely loved my job. But I was incredibly time poor. As a result, that meant I had to stop trying to do all of the things. Now, there's so much conflict around that because I had heart of human which was my business. But my full time business during COVID became a side hustle. And unstoppable woman as a podcast was part of everything that I was doing in my business to raise awareness of my skill set offer value, to share insights to other women about how they can navigate their own careers and their own self leadership journey. And what I realized when I was working full time, and not having the time to dedicate to this podcast, was the recognition that I was showing up to do all the things, because I was telling myself that I should. And with all of the self development work that I've done over the years of recognize shedding on myself, doesn't lead to the best results.
Unknown Speaker 3:14
So initially, I thought, right, I'm going to take six weeks off over Christmas and New Year, have that time out, recharge my batteries, recalibrate and then I'll come back to it in the new year. But when January came around this year, the inclination to get behind the mic and start recording and sharing did not come with it. So I took the decision at that point to not force and to not continue to should all over myself, I should do this or I should do that. Instead, I took the time to allow joy in my life.
Unknown Speaker 3:54
And whilst work was insanely busy, I was delivering four day training programs, which meant I was away in a bubble in a hotel, delivering a residential program with eight delegates at a time, spending 12 hours a day having breakfast together and their evening meals together with 12 hours of content in between. It was a full on period of work intense time, but also connection with people from my work environment. So having time to create that space for joy became really necessary. If I just made me think about doing all the things in business, what I've realized is that even though I love my work, I have a tendency to become a workaholic. And therefore what that means is it's coming from a wrong energy. It's not coming from a place of service. It's coming from a place of I committed to do this so I have to do it and I should do it.
Unknown Speaker 4:58
So, I took that shoulding all over myself out of my life started to allow joy in. And what I realized partway through last year was that there were still other areas in my life where I was shitting on myself. So one of the other things I was doing in heart of human was writing a weekly newsletter, or an email or a blog, whatever you want to call it, but an email going out to everyone, every week. And it made me realize that in that email, I was trying too hard to be the expert of all of the things.
Unknown Speaker 5:37
I'm an expert in self leadership, because I've spent a significant amount of my life focusing on personal development growth, I do things that I know a lot of people have never done, nor will ever do, but I do it because it brings me joy to stretch and grow myself. So I'm an expert, because I live and breathe the work that I share. But what was interesting was putting that label of needing to be an expert, every week, sharing up giving new content, felt like I was removing myself from the journey of experiencing life, to the one that was just observing life and sharing it with others to say, hey, here's what you should do, this is what works.
Unknown Speaker 6:23
And I'd kind of removed myself from the fact that I was still human, and living a very complex life as we all as we all as humans do. And recognizing that I didn't have space to be able to be me, and to do the self growth and the learning and the opportunity to have the have the opportunity to have the space to identify my my own my own lessons, and then share those because I'd lost this space where I could just bounce my own thoughts around. Because I put myself in this category of I've always got to be perfect, I've got to show up in a way that sharing value.
Unknown Speaker 7:06
And I can't be seen as someone, perhaps who hasn't got her shit together. And the reality is, who the hell has all of their shit together? I know I certainly don't. And through taking the time out of my podcast, it made me realize that there were other areas of my life, I was trying to show up in the way that I wanted to be perceived, rather than just the truth of who I am.
Unknown Speaker 7:30
And when I stepped into that realization, it made me reflect on what I wanted to do and how I wanted to show up. And I gave myself permission to step into writing, which I was doing anyway, every single week. But it gave me the permission to step in and create a new blog called Glin, and tonic, our weekly space for a heart to heart.
Unknown Speaker 7:54
And in that blog, instead of trying to teach someone and come from the place of expertise, I allowed myself to just be me, I allowed myself to be seen through the messy middle of life, to share what was happening that week in my life. And I don't think I live a very interesting life. So it was quite cathartic, just to give myself space to reflect on my week, to share what I learned and impart hopefully some insight and wisdom about the way I view the world in a way that someone might be able to see themselves through their through my story, and help themselves to create connection to the path that they want to take.
Unknown Speaker 8:34
And in freed myself from the shoulding of here's how I should need to show up on my weekly blog. And this is the whatever the formula is to give people what they need. And instead I started to give myself what I needed. things shifted. Now I have been doing that Glennon tonic weekly blog for 31 weeks, this will be my 32nd week that I have sent that blog out. And without fail every weekend, whether it's a Saturday or Sunday, I don't I don't hold myself to a specific time. But I give myself the freedom to go every weekend, I am going to write and I'm going to share.
Unknown Speaker 9:14
And it's been the most powerful thing that I've done for myself. And it's been the most powerful thing that I've seen in terms of the engagement and connection that it's created in others. I get way more feedback and engagement and interaction with my weekly blog now that I'm being all of myself than I did when I was trying to be this expert in life. So that was another powerful thing that I learned which meant that I still didn't feel called to do this podcast because I was introducing a new way of being to myself in my day to day life and the way I showed up in heart of human and my business.
Unknown Speaker 9:53
Having taken it from a full time job into a side hustle through COVID It gave Me that space to go, Okay, I am now finding a new way of being myself. And now people are live, experiencing that journey that de layering of all of the chips that we carry, and starting to become the fuller expression of myself. So as that shift happened, and as I started to step into being more of myself, in doing that, what I also realized was that, rather than trying to do all the things, what I had started to do was to introduce one thing at a time, that I could make a habit, make something stick, before I introduce something else. And because now I know without fail, over every weekend, there is going to be a Glin & Tonic, weekly Heart to Heart blog that comes out, which is purely driven by the context of the week and the lessons that I've learned. I don't have to think about it, it comes from a place of flow, I love writing it, I feel deeply connected to the content, it's an opportunity for self reflection, it happens. So it gives me space to now introduce a new habit, which I am now building in terms of sharing up on the unstoppable woman podcast.
Unknown Speaker 11:20
So life has definitely shifted. But what was interesting from a personal level, also what shifted last year as a result of surrendering, letting things go, and choosing satisfaction as my word for the year satisfaction. Being my word has guided my actions, it's guided how I've shown up for myself, because if it didn't feel satisfying, then I wasn't living true to my word. I wasn't living true to my intention. So in choosing satisfaction, so many other things have changed in January last year, through a data gap. I met my partner, John, our first date in February,
Unknown Speaker 12:05
February the fifth? Yes, I think it's February, the fifth was great. And so much has shifted in my life. This is my first relationship 'proper' that I've had since my marriage ended back in 2014. So it's been a long time being on my own, and having my heart reopened up to the possibility of love and sharing life together has been a journey. And that's a story for another day. But John came into my life. And not only did John come into my life, things shifted around, where I wanted to spend my time. So I've spent the last seven years living in Sydney.
Unknown Speaker 12:48
But as of September this year, John and I moved in together. And not only did we move in together for the first time, we moved into state, so we moved our lives from New South Wales, to Queensland, and now have chosen to reside in the beautiful sunshine coast. So that's been a huge life shift. And I think that has only really come about because I chose satisfaction to be my guiding intention. I shared all of the things that weren't serving me at the time, in order to regroup, recalibrate, to accept life's messy middle that I can do everything I wanted, and there was things that I didn't want to do. And therefore, unless they were bringing me joy, I chose not to do them. Now. One of the things I have also learned is that when you accept the messy middle, and allow yourself to show up without perfectionism getting in the way, you could also do a lot more.
Unknown Speaker 13:49
So one of the new things that I've been working on over the last matter of a couple of months, so it's not really even been that long is my perfectionism. Now, I don't think I was fully ready to get back into doing this podcast. But I was challenged by my business coach to get back and start sharing what I know, because she called me out on knowing that I wanted to make a huge impact to the world around me, but I was continuing to play small. And then I was continuing to hide behind small things like just my email, barely showing up on social media, not letting myself be seen. And when we drill down into what was driving that. It was perfectionism. I wanted everything to be perfect. Before I could start I wanted to have clarity around exactly what I was going to do, how I was going to do it, how it needed to look, before I could make a significant impact was the story I was telling myself.
Unknown Speaker 14:55
What I've done now is embrace the messy middle and I've just gone you know what it doesn't matter, I'm gonna show up. And I'm going make the impact that I want to make just by being present, and letting myself be seen. So as I wrap up, because I'm coming up to 15 minutes of recorded content, and I'm committing to keeping them short, I just want to say, don't allow the messy middle, to hold you back from showing up as yourself.
Unknown Speaker 15:24
Allow yourself to step into the possibility of creating a life that is satisfying that brings you joy. And allow yourself to embrace the fact that we are all as humans, figuring figuring life out as we go, and making it up as we go along. And when we give ourselves permission, just to make it up as we go along, we give ourselves permission to be all of who we are. We give ourselves permission to be imperfect life can be amazing. It can be fun, it can be adventurous, and hell, like you get to start doing things that you wouldn't otherwise do. So that's my very short episode. I'm sure I'll share more as I continue to go and, and keep them short and sharp, but give you value, at least through my honest share, and I look forward to catching up with you again next week.
Unknown Speaker 16:18
Thanks so much for listening to the unstoppable woman podcast. The path to the future you want leads from your heart. If you got value from this podcast, please leave a review and share it with another woman who you know would benefit from it to need more women claiming their seats at the table. Until next time, live your truth and be unstoppable
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