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Mastering Your Mindset

mindset resilience Jul 25, 2021

When I set the intention to make July the month I focussed on Mindset I didn’t think Sydney would be in lockdown.


It’s been an interesting few weeks, and I don’t know about you, but I know I feel the heaviness that is around us at the moment.  Businesses that have been forced to close, people worrying about their jobs and wondering if they’ll be ok. Families navigating home schooling again and many of us feeling anxious and worried about what the future holds.


My feelings of heaviness have been compounded with the news that another relative of mine in the UK, someone who was only 18months older than me, committed suicide.


With two family members who have taken their lives in the space of three months I’m recognising how incredibly important it is for us to look after our mind and our emotional wellbeing at this time.


Hearing the news has also given me a healthy dose of perspective – I’d got myself...

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The boundaries you need now are more than just physical distancing

Today whilst many focus on the physical boundaries needed to keep safe there is a significant lack of boundaries that many will feel the effects of far beyond the Corona Virus.
As we settle into this new normal the boundaries between work and life have become more blurred than ever.  Connecting with many of the women I work with, senior executives with established corporate careers, and I learned how much there is a significant need for more than physical boundaries.
The three biggest challenges they are facing right now are:
1. Overwhelm and Anxiety
Along with executive careers, they have now taken on the responsibility of not only doing a full-time job but now being on call whenever their bosses choose to – after all, now that everyone is at home, it’s fine to call at all hours isn’t it?
With teams to look after remotely, they also are now home-schooling, maintaining the ongoing functioning of their...
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Why resilience isn’t about bouncing back from adversity

resilience Aug 05, 2020
Most people would be forgiven for thinking resilience is about bouncing back after adversity and some may believe it’s about bouncing forward but in reality, it’s not about either.
Resilience is about re-adjusting your stance, about re-centring yourself and getting present to the current moment so you can acknowledge that you are still alive, still breathing and still human.
From that space there is much greater consciousness in the choices you make that will help you ease the pain from your past and help direct your future.
Let me explain….
There are so many things that challenge our resilience levels, a global pandemic, economic challenges, the programming of our childhood, traumas at the hands of others, natural disasters, accidents, loss of loved ones, our work environments, our home environments, setbacks we’ve endured, marriages that have ended, difficult relationships, people we have been let down by, our...
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Who Moved My Cheese?

Why is it that even though we know change is inevitable, we still fight against it?  Is it a fear of the unknown?  Is it a belief that the future isn’t going to be as good? Or is that we are happy and we don’t want things to change? Perhaps it is all of those.
Change is a fact of life.  Nothing ever stays the same, the seasons change, we get older, we grow in our understanding; we change our jobs, our homes, our friendships, our partners, our clothes, and our mind!  
We experience change on a daily basis and it is necessary for our evolution that we flourish in this ever changing environment.  Yet whilst we know change is a necessary part of life it is something we often find ourselves resisting. 
A number of years ago I read a book which was recommended to me called ‘Who Moved My Cheese?’  It’s one of those books that you could read at any age but one which is so profound that it...
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Dissolve Your Limiting Beliefs Workbook